
Fee Structure

Title Amount
Book Charges
1000 Rs.
20,000 Rs.

Admission Rules

The rules of admission are as under

  1. Fresh  Admissions: Fresh admissions are made in the school at the beginning of the session. Admissions during the session are made depending on the vacancies existing in each class.
  2. Transfer  Cases: Admissions of children of serving Army personnel coming on transfer from other stations can be done at any time during the year. Children coming from different Army pre primary schools will be charged security deposit and Admission charges but not the tuition fee till date already paid.

Priority Rules

Priorities of admission are as given below

  • Children of serving Army personnel, War-widows, disabled personnel, Assam Rifles, TA (when embodies) and DSC.
  • Children Army Ex-Servicemen.
  • Children of serving Air Force and Navel personnel.
  • Children of retired Air Force and Naval personnel.
  • Children of civilians paid out of defence estimates, MES, GREF and TA (when not embodied).
  • Grand children of serving/Retd Army pers.
  • Other children.